Meaning and Sentence Meaning”

Compiled by
Gessy Twi Permatasari (
First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to our God, who has been
giving us blessing and merciful.
Therefore, we
can create this short paper on time.
This short paper is purposed to
complete Semantics’
assignment. It contains the explanation of
word meaning and sentence meaning.
This short paper is far from being perfect. We welcome any
constructive criticism and suggestion for better compilation of this short
paper. Finally it is expected that this short paper be useful to the readers
and especially us
who compiles this short paper.
Kediri, April
The Writers
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................iii
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................2
a. Definition of Word
b. Example of Word
a. Definition of Sentence
b. Example of Sentence
C. The Relationship Between
Word Meaning and Sentence Meaning.........5
CHAPTER III. CLOSING.......................................................................................6
Semantic is the study of meaning, as
one branches of linguistic will help us understand more about language. As
important as other branches of linguistics, it deals with one of the aspect of
language, which is meaning. We also can say
that semantics is a branch of linguistic that is dealing with meanings.
Traditionally, linguistic neglected the study
of language meaning or semantics because they based their study of language on
the analysis of language into its units in terms of their composition or
distribution of the language units.
When people discuss about meaning, they
usually relate it to the dictionaries. This is not relatively wrong, but
understanding meaning only by looking up at a dictionary does not make us
really understand the meaning.
From the explanation above, we know that study of meaning of language is as the same importance as
the study of the language itself. And also understand the meaning is very
crucial. To make it clear, so that, we will discuss about one kind of meanings
especially kinds of meaning based on the units of language that can carry
meaning. They are word meaning and sentence meaning. Hopefully this explanation
will strengthen the readers understanding about these topics.
Word meaning and sentence meaning are the
categories of kinds of meanings based on the units of language that can carry
a. Definition of Word Meaning
There are many experts
stated their opinion about word meaning. Generally they had similar assumption.
According to Saussure (1964 : 166), word meaning is the meaning of a given word
consists in being different from other words. It means that every word has its
own meaning.
Beside that, Murphy also
stated his opinion about word meaning. He stated that word meaning is made up
of pieces of conceptual structure (1991 ; 2002). Word are form of some letters
that form a certain meaning. In different way, Mr. Sugianto also gave a clear
definition of word meaning. He stated that word meaning is meaning carried by a
word. Means that the meaning is carried by that word itself. This definition
made us arrive at the conclusion that word meaning is meaning carried by a word.
b. Example of Word Meaning
The examples of word meaning are as follows :
1.”Church” means building for public Christian worship.
2.“Flower” means part of a plant that produces
seeds, often brightly coloured.
3. “God” means the creator and ruler of the universe.
4. “Human” means people or person.
5. “Mosque” means building in which Muslims worship.
6. “Pen” means instrument for writing with ink.
7. “Picture” means painting, drawing, etc,
that shows a scene, a person or thing.
8. “Pilot” means person who operates the
controls of an aircraft, especially as a job.
9. “Plane” means flying vehicle with wings and one or
more engines.
10. “Television” means piece of electrical
equipment with a screen on which you can watch moving pictures and sounds.
a. Definition of Sentence Meaning
Sentence meaning according
to B. Abdul Q (Persia) is meanings that are expressed primarily in sentences.
Here, individual words have meanings, but the meaning of a word is not
detachable from the roles it plays in sentences. Beside that, George Friedrich
Meier (1757) also stated his opinion about sentence meaning. He said that
sentence meaning is the meaning of a sentence that is embodiment of all the
separate meanings of the words which make up the sentence. They are bound to
each other and determine each other. And Mr. Sugianto also has opinion about
sentence meaning. In his book he stated that sentence meaning is meaning
carried by a sentence.
So from the definitions
above, we can conclude that sentence meaning is meaning carried by a sentence.
We know that sentence is formed of many words which have their own roles in
that sentence. And those words influence the meaning of that sentence.
b. Example of Sentence Meaning
A sentence is formed of Subject, Verb, and
Complement. To become a complete sentence that have meaning, these elements
must exist.
E.g. = Rendy bought a nice hat
Each of those words have their own meaning,
but here they are formed in a sentence and every word influences the meaning of
the sentence. And all of the words form the meaning of the sentence and it is
called sentence meaning.
In a sentence, there are active and passive
sentences. These kinds of sentences have different way to get the meaning of
1. Active Sentence
In active sentence, the subject plays the role
as an agent. It means that the subject as the responsible initiator of an
The man opened the door.
(the noun phrase “the man “ serves as an agent
of the verb “opened”)
My sister swept the floor.
(the noun phrase “my sister” serves as an
agent of the verb “swept”)
The first group explained an example of narrative text
(the noun phrase “the first group” serves as an agent of
the verb “explained”)
My mother made a delicious cake.
(the noun phrase “my mother” serves as an agent of the
verb “made”)
2. Passive
In passive sentence, the object plays the role as a
patience. It means that the object as the entity that undergoes a certain
change of state.
The door opened easily.
(the noun phrase “the door” serves as a patience of the
verb “opened”)
The floor was swept by my sister.
(the noun phrase “the floor” serves as a
patience of the “swept”)
An example of narrative text explained clearly.
(the noun phrase “an example of narrative text” serves as
a patience of the verb “ explained”)
A delicious cake made quickly.
(the noun phrase “a delicious cake” serves as a patience
of the verb “made”)
C. The Relationship Between Word Meaning and Sentence Meaning
Individual words have their own meanings. And the word
meaning is meaning carried by a word itself. But when words form a sentence,
the meaning of a sentence is the embodiment of all the separate meanings of the
words. They are bound to each other and determine each other because these words
have their own roles in that sentence and the meaning of these words influence
the meaning of that sentence. So, word meaning and sentence meaning are
A. Summary
It can be concluded that word meaning and
sentence meaning is very important in learning of language. So it is necessary
to be learnt.
From the explanation above, word meaning is
meaning carried by a word. While sentence meaning is meaning carried by a
And the meaning of words influence the meaning
of a sentence. So, word meaning and sentence meaning are interrelated.
B. Suggestion
We are quite sure that this paper is still not
perfect yet. We welcome any constructive criticism and suggestions from anyone
who is interested in this paper. Finally, it is expected that this paper is
useful for the readers especially us who compile this paper.
Drs. Sugianto. SEMANTICS.
Kediri: English Department, University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri.
Cowie, A.P. Semantics.
Oxford University Press, 2009.
Michaelis, L. A. Word meaning, sentence meaning, and syntactic meaning.
Anonym. Word senses and taxonomies.
Dymarchonnik Umaha U.
What do you think about “A deer from the hill” ? Is it
belong to sentence meaning or word meaning?
A deer from the hill belongs to sentence
meaning. As a noun phrase it already has a meaning, but when we want to know
the implicit meaning of it, it needs a complement to uncover the relationship
and to get the meaning. When it has complement, it can be belong to
methaporical extension of categories of relationships of meaning.
2. Sofi Nur
Is broken heart a noun phrase?
We know that the meaning is heart is part of
our body organ, but why the meaning of broken heart is different with the
original meaning of heart?
Broken heart is a noun phrase. The meaning of
heart in broken heart is different with the meaning of the word heart because
it has influenced the culture. Here heart is like feeling. Same like the
meaning of heart in my heart will go on.
3. Elisa Devi
Is cheating is bad also one of example of sentence meaning? Is it belong to
sentence meaning?
Yes, it is sentence meaning. It is filled the requirement of a sentence and
it has a meaning.
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